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Welcome to our blog! Craig and I were married on February 11, 2006. Craig had two sons from a previous marriage - Hunter and Colton. I was very lucky to inherit two wonderful kids right off the bat. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. And they put up with my OCD remarkably well. Kyla joined the family on August 8, 2006. She is our little angel...most of the time!!! She loves her brothers and they love her too. We continually get compliments on how sweet they are to their little sister. I recently started a new job as Director of Clinical Services for a mental health agency, and I also have a private practice on the side. Craig works for the Veteran's Administration Hospital as the Systems Redesign Manager. He is a wonderful husband and father. Life is good for our family!

Our Family Album

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My mom, my friend, my hero...

This Mother's Day I wanted to pay tribute to my own mom and reflect on a few of the things I love most about her. Anyone who knows me knows that my mom is one of the most important people in my life. She is not only my mom; she is my friend and my hero. Now that I am a mother myself, I am amazed at how my mom was able to do everything she did while holding a full-time job and raising four daughters.

There are so many things I learned from my mom that I hope to pass on to my own kids. As I think about all my mom's wonderful qualities and things she did that make her such an amazing mother, there are two things in particular that I know have contributed significantly to making me the person I am today.

My mom showed up! "The most important thing a parent can do for a child is show up." When I was young, I took for granted the fact that my parents were always there for me. Now I realize how important it is just to show up for your kids. I know my parents were busy, but their priority was always us kids. When I think about all of the important events in my life, I always remember my parents there too...cheering me on. From showing my animals in 4-H, school choir concerts, church activities, and sports...I can't remember a time when they weren't there. Thank you for always being there and supporting me!

The other thing about my mom that I cherish is that she always encouraged my dreams and never discouraged me from dreaming big. I remember going through a time in my late teens and early twenties where I was really trying to find my 'place in the world.' I seemed to have a new career path every other week. First I wanted to go to Harvard to become a lawyer, then I wanted to be an author, then a teacher, then move to Nashville to pursue a singing career, then a travel agent, then a psychologist, then join the Peace Corp...and the list goes on and on. Regardless of what crazy "life plan" I came up with, my mom always supported it (no matter how insane it really was.) She told me there was nothing I couldn't do if I wanted it badly enough and was willing to work for it. She only wanted me to be happy. I knew that no matter what I decided to do with my life my mom would support me, and because of her continued support and encouragement I finally found my passion and pursued it. If I can pass on to my own kids even half of the wisdom my mom has given to me, I will consider myself successful. Thank you for not only being my mom, but for being my best friend and my hero. I love you mom!!!

My beautiful mom! I love you with all my heart...Pamela.

Light in the Darkness
I've never been able to tell you
what words can't even say.
What can I possibly do to repay you
for the gifts you so freely give?
The countless hours of
Heartache -
You suffered
For me.

You settle for little so that I can have more.
You lend your ear-and heart-
always accepting of all I say.
Never wavering in your faith that someday
I will become the person-
only you know I am.

Through times of discouragement
and times of doubt-
You were there-never judging-
just loving and being an example.
You are the sunlight that nourishes
My soul.
They say nothing compares to a
Mother's Love.
And now I am aware-
Only Christ could love as pure,
could carry the burden
endure the pain,
be the Rock you are.

All your efforts taken for granted-
Only to watch you give more.
I only regret it has taken me so long to see
My blindness.
I am surrounded by your warmth as
You shine-
My Light in the Darkness.
written by: Pamela Fagan

1 comment:

Deb and Chad Crowther said...

Thanks for this tribute to mom. It was fabulously stated, and your poem really touched my heart. My talented sister! My amazing mom! So lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful family. LOVE YOU!