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Welcome to our blog! Craig and I were married on February 11, 2006. Craig had two sons from a previous marriage - Hunter and Colton. I was very lucky to inherit two wonderful kids right off the bat. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. And they put up with my OCD remarkably well. Kyla joined the family on August 8, 2006. She is our little angel...most of the time!!! She loves her brothers and they love her too. We continually get compliments on how sweet they are to their little sister. I recently started a new job as Director of Clinical Services for a mental health agency, and I also have a private practice on the side. Craig works for the Veteran's Administration Hospital as the Systems Redesign Manager. He is a wonderful husband and father. Life is good for our family!

Our Family Album

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fun at the Fair!

This past weekend was the Western Idaho Fair and the boys got a chance to help their grandpa by showing his pigs in open class. They had a great time and demonstrated their "mad showmanship skills." They were very proud of the ribbons that they received, and especially appreciate the money they earned from grandpa for taking care of the pigs during the remainder of the fair. They even won the "Herdsmanship Award" of $25 for having the cleanest if only they kept their bedroom as clean... ;-) They are both anxious to return to 4-H again next year so they can train and show their own pig, sheep or steer...we haven't decided which one yet. Pamela is a firm believer that 4-H provides a great opportunity to learn responsibility and the value of hard work!

Way to go, Hunter and Colton!!!


Deb and Chad Crowther said...

Cute pictures. Brings back some fun memories of the good ol' days! Looks like the boys had a good time, and I bet dad is glad that the 4-H legacy will live on for another generation. :-) One day our kids will be 4-Hers, too!

Peter said...

Love the blog! It is fabulous. The pictures are great. What type of camera are you using?
