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Welcome to our blog! Craig and I were married on February 11, 2006. Craig had two sons from a previous marriage - Hunter and Colton. I was very lucky to inherit two wonderful kids right off the bat. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. And they put up with my OCD remarkably well. Kyla joined the family on August 8, 2006. She is our little angel...most of the time!!! She loves her brothers and they love her too. We continually get compliments on how sweet they are to their little sister. I recently started a new job as Director of Clinical Services for a mental health agency, and I also have a private practice on the side. Craig works for the Veteran's Administration Hospital as the Systems Redesign Manager. He is a wonderful husband and father. Life is good for our family!

Our Family Album

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kyla!!!

Kyla celebrated her 2nd birthday this weekend. Her actual birthday was August 8th, but we had her party on Saturday, August 9th. We had a full house of friends and family who came over for a barbeque and festivities. It was nice having some kids for Kyla to play with. My friend, Teisha, brought her two kids (Luke~age 3 and Ella~9 months). And my new nephew, Oliver, was a big hit and passed around for everyone to hold....gotta love babies. :-) Though Kyla didn't seem to grasp the whole "birthday" thing, she did love being the center of usual. She got some great gifts...grandma Knutson made her a special Strawberry Shortcake blankie, and Grandma Fagan got her a doll with her own bed and several homemade outfits. I think the homemade gifts are the best! We are so lucky so have such wonderful friends and family. I am still adjusting to the idea that I now have a 2-year-old. Where does time go?

Birthday Fun and Festivities...

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